By Obajemihi Tade.
We can make use of the best season we are yet to experience in Kogi, we had it rough through years with an uneven ground of abject poverty everywhere in Kogi..
The season of refine and reset of thorough touch of past experience from the hands of tormentors called leaders. Everyone should be back from the unconsciousness of the past torments and know the legitimate responsibilities you needed to contribute to better the situation we found ourselves and make a rainy season of developments that we never had before.
How I wish synergy between the youths and elders are established on the movement of alliance in action to push in massive votes for Olayinka Braimoh of ACTION ALLIANCE PARTY (AA)
Truly, Kogi State needs an overhaul in all areas concerning the state of the masses.
We have no other duty than to all vote massively for a true successful technocrat that can put a new face of look to Kogi we all deserve.
Olayin Braimoh is truly an energetic technocrat with an outstanding performance in his antecedents to take over Kogi State for a good season to experience..
Vote in that season we never had before.
Vote in Action Alliance
Vote in Double A.A
Vote in Olayinka Braimoh and you will be happy for your action
Wouldn’t you rather join the winning team?
Olayinka will truly make us happy!