I feel highly delighted to welcome you to the 4thCombined Convocation press briefing of Kogi State Polytechnic. I am most particularly delighted to welcome distinguished gentlemen of the press who have been of tremendous partnership since we came on board. On numerous occasions, I have had cause to interact with you individually and collectively and the outcomes have been very encouraging for the growth of the Polytechnic.
I want to appreciate you most sincerely for the wide publicity and favourable coverage we have enjoyed from you. I want to assure you that we will continue to hold you in high esteem, and we will do all that is practically possible to sustain the smooth and cordial relationship. Once again, you are mostly warmly welcome to Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja.
Gentlemen of the Press, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, as you may be aware, Convocation is an academic ritual and indeed an important ceremony amongst tertiary institutions across the world. In the Polytechnic system in particular, it is an occasion to announce progress in terms of students’ performance and formal conferment of earned National Diploma and Higher National Diploma on those the Academic Board deemed worthy both in character and learning.
It is also an occasion to showcase outcomes of months and years of intense research, teaching and learning. In addition, it is an opportunity for the Polytechnic to state some other achievements as well as challenges and suggestions on the way forward.
We are therefore grateful to God for granting us the privilege to mark the 4thcombined Convocation Ceremonies of Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja. Prior to this moment, the Polytechnic has had successfully organized three (3) convocation ceremonies. The last was in 2014. This suggests that we are organizing the 4th combined convocation ceremonies for the 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 sets of graduands.
This explains that, since 2015, we have not been able to hold Convocation for our graduands. By the special grace of God, the Convocation is finally here.
Following the schedule of our programmes, the Convocation ceremonies commenced on Sunday, 31st December, 2023, with Special Church Service at the Chapel of Peace, Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja. The next on our schedule is this Press Briefing. Exhibitions by the Directorate of Entrepreneurship Development will follow shortly after the Briefing.
By the grace of God, tomorrow, we will hold the Convocation Lecture, to be delivered by a former Rector of this Polytechnic who served from 1998 – 2006, in the person of Professor Joseph ItahOmada, who is the current Director, Research Administration with the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).
Finally, the main event for the award of National Diploma and Higher National Diploma and conferment of Fellowship on distinguished Nigerians will be on Saturday, 6th January, 2024.On that day, five (5) eminent personalities will be honoured with the Fellowship of the Polytechnic for their ceaseless commitment to the growth of Kogi State Polytechnic in particular and advancement of the cause of humanity in general.
Gentlemen of the Press, I am sure most of us here, through our previous interactions, can vividly recollect the conditions of Kogi State Polytechnic before we came on board. For the sake of reference, however, I would like to provide highlights of what we inherited. You will agree with me that we inherited an institution that cultists were the demi-gods operating with impunity.
You will also agree with me that the Polytechnic before now had deeply disturbing image issues bordering on negative reports and other threatening social vices.
We also inherited an institution without a functional student hostel, deficient in ICT, polarised along ethnic line, untidy physical environment with dilapidated infrastructures and general indiscipline amongst staff and students.
The Polytechnic also had dented image and severed relationship with relevant funding agencies due to failed contract and abandoned projects spanning over Ten (10) years.
The Polytechnic also had outstanding problems of accreditation across virtually all programmes spanning nine (9) years as well accumulated problem of Convocation after several sessions of turning out students at the both the National Diploma and Higher National Diploma levels.
To restore the lost glory of the institution, we introduced the 3R-Mission of “Repair, Reform and Restore” which we have been implementing frontally through consultation and committee system.
We set machinery in motion for tackling insecurity through the following measures:
- Fortification of security architecture through effective intelligence gathering on the activities of cultists and other criminal groups;
- Construction of a befitting security building code-named ALHAJI YAHAYA ADOZA BELLO SECURITY HOUSE at the entrance of the Polytechnic to replace the 3-room cubicle we inherited to promote efficiency amongst the security personnel;
- Installation of hidden CCTV camera on the campus to monitor unholy activities and act decisively;
- Provision of communication gadgets for security personnel for effective communication;
- Provision of security patrol vehicles for surveillance and monitoring;
- Aggressive campus illumination by provision of solar lights and other illuminating gadgets;
- Continuous clearing of bushes on the campuses;
- Dislodgement of the notorious “Pipeline” which was hitherto the meeting point of cultists and replacement of same with barricades;
- Decentralisationof the Security Structures was introduced to enhance proper supervision of operatives for effective discharge of duties and efficiency;
- Sustaining the ban of Students Tribal Association to ensure harmony;
- Recruitment of more qualified security personnel;
- Synergy with security agencies to prevent crimes and criminalities; and
- Banning of End of Session Celebration which was hitherto the means by which cult groups engaged in bloody confrontations, often resulting in fatalities amongst other measures.
These efforts have yielded tremendous results, including the arrest of some students and none students with guns and other dangerous weapons and illicit drugs while making attempts to enter the campus.
The security efforts and strategies also helped us to discover the notorious syndicate known as “Magic Centre” at Sarkin Norma where students nabbed while writing examination with our questions papers and booklets.
Gentlemen of the press, we have introduced a number of measures aimed at strengthening the culture of academic excellence and improve the quality of academic services in the institution. The highlights are as follows:
- Introduction of New Statement of Results Format and Fortified Original Certificate: This hasembedded QR Code and other security features which have protected the integrity of the Polytechnic results and helped safeguard its corporate identity.
- Introduction E-Examination/Results Computation/E-Payment: This has resulted in prompt release of results on semester basis, enabling students to check their academic status anywhere in the world and blocked revenue leakages in the system.
- Strengthening Regulation against indiscriminate Production and Sales of Textbooks on the Campus: We did this by empoweringthe Committee in charge with far more latitude to oversee, deliberate and make recommendations that would lead to the production of quality textbooks for students. This is in addition to reviewing and strengthening the guideline on the production of textbooks which include central pricing and voluntary purchase by students.
- Introduction of the Academic Board Central Results Verification Committee: Weconstituted the Academic Board Central Results Verification Committee headed by the Deputy Rector and with all Deans and representatives of each School as members. The Committee has the mandate to carefully and painstakingly verify results submitted by Departments and Schools and make recommendations to Academic Board for final consideration and approval. The measure has substantially minimised errors in approved results, as the Committee devotes enough time to the consideration and scrutiny of the results. It has also saved time and resources usually spent by the Board in considering the results.
- Production of Maiden Annual Report for the Polytechnic: Shortly after we assumed duties, we discovered that no Annual Report had been produced since the inception of the Polytechnic to serve as a guide to reflect on our past, gauge on the present and project into the future. The implication was that there was no single archive of records of the activities of the Polytechnic annually for the whole of its existence. This was not a good commentary on an institution that had existed for almost three decades. We therefore took it as a challenge for the activities of the institution in the preceding session to be documented through Annual Report. That report was eventually produced for the 2018/2019 session, making it the first in the history of the institution. The production of Annual Report has now become a tradition in the Polytechnic, as we now the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 editions in place. We are already at the advanced stage of producing the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 editions.
- 100% Accreditation of 30 Programmes: Thirty programmes in the Polytechnic were having accreditation challenges before we came on board. Some of the programmes were due for the exercise as far as back as 2013, and were on the verge of being sanctioned by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). To preserve the programmes and protect the credibility of the institution, the administration promptly set up a number of committees to fashioned out the means of solving the accreditation problems. With the active support of the State Government, 129 resource persons and staff from the National Board for Technical Education visited the Polytechnic between 4th to 8th April, 2022, for reaccreditation of the 30 due programmes. To the glory of God Almighty and with the support of His Excellency, the Governor of Kogi State, all the programmes were duly reaccredited and granted Full Accreditation Status by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), a hundred percent record (100%).
On coming on board, we realised the need to establish some hitherto non-existing directorates with the view to raising the bar of administrative and academic effectiveness. In addition, some existing units were upgraded to directorate status. The highlights include:
- Directorate of Information Technology Resources Centre (ITRC)
- Directorate of Sports
- Directorate of Advancement, Support and Linkages
- Directorate of SERVICOM
- Quality Assurance Directorate
- Directorate of Physical Planning and Development
We have made tremendous progress in the provision of physical facilities. While we cannot outline all of them in details, it important to provide highlights on few significant ones as follows:
- Construction of a New Security House (AlhajiYahayaAdoza Bello Security House) in place of the inherited 3-room cubicle;
- Upgrading of the Polytechnic Health Centre, 3-bed structure inherited;
- Construction and Furnishing of Academic Staff Office Block;
- Construction and Furnishing of Studios and Exhibition Halls for School of Art,
- Construction and Furnishing of Classrooms, Studios and Offices for School of Environmental Technology;
- Construction of 200-Seat Capacity Twin Lecture Theatre;
- Construction and Furnishing of Laboratory and Workshop Building for School of Applied Sciences;
- Construction and Furnishing of Class rooms and Offices in School of Sciences;
- Construction of CBT Extension;
- Remodeling and Reconstruction of 1000-capacity Lecture Theatre (Ongoing);
- Construction of Tractors Implements Workshop;
- Remodeling and Reconstruction of the Communication building (Ongoing); and
- Renovation of students Hostels and Return of Students into Halls of Residence after 5 years of off campus residence.
- Construction of Examinations and Records Office Through NEEDS Assessment Intervention
When we came on board, we realized that the Polytechnic was heavily understaffed due to cases of retirement, resignation, termination of appointments and dismissal. These created serious vacuum in office schedules and lack of expertise in some instances, leading to slow pace of work and general inefficiency in the system. We tabled the matter before His Excellency, and he graciously granted approval for the recruitment of members of staff into the lecturing, administrative and technical services of the institution. Today, we are proud to announce that the Polytechnic is equipped with needed manpower in virtually all aspects of its essential services. This has not only strengthened the Polytechnic, it has empowered hundreds of young men and women who has spent years without jobs since graduation. We will continue to appreciate His Excellency for the great honour and for his magnanimity in spite of the lean resources at his disposal.
Significant number of staff were promoted in the Polytechnic between 2015 and 2020; even before the commencement of the GYB administration. However, these promotions were not given the required cash backing before we came on board. We tabled the matter before His Excellency and he graciously granted approval for the implementation of the promotion up till 2020. Again, we express our profound gratitude to His Excellency for the huge gesture.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as an administration, we acknowledge the importance of a functional and vibrant Alumni Association. We also believe that through productive collaboration with such body, the Polytechnic can be strengthened academically, morally and physically. We are also aware that the Polytechnic has produced young men and women who are doing very well in various fields of human endeavor. That was why we consider it worthwhile to ensure the emergence of Kogi State Polytechnic Alumni Association. Today, the Association is not only in place, it also has a functional, vibrant and robust secretariat in the Polytechnic through our efforts. The Association has built a car park for the Principal Officers of the Polytechnic and they are poised to do more.
There has never been a Student Union Government Secretariat since the inception of the institution. When we came on board, we were able to encourage the student union leaders to work towards having their own secretariat. Today, there is a functional SUG Secretariat built from the students’ funds and serving the needs of the students.
Gentlemen of the Press, at this 4th Convocation, students who concluded their courses of instructions and have met all the requirements, both in character and learning as approved by the Academic Board for 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic sessions would be graduating. I am therefore, very delighted to highlight the following significant features of the graduation.
- A total of one hundred and forty-five (145) students are graduating with DISTINCTIONS from various Schools and Departments at the National Diploma level as shown in Table 1.
- A total of one hundred and four (104) students are graduating with DISTINCTIONS from various Schools and Departments at the Higher National Diploma level as shown in Table 2.
- A total of seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-three (7,653) students are graduating with National Diploma in various programmes(Table 1).
- A total of four thousand, four hundred and twenty-seven (4,427) students are graduating with Higher National Diploma in various programmes (Table 2).
1. | 2013/2014 | 3 | 89 | 254 | 93 | 439 |
2 | 2014/2015 | 7 | 161 | 432 | 151 | 751 |
3 | 2015/2016 | 7 | 163 | 469 | 151 | 790 |
4 | 2016/2017 | 16 | 239 | 504 | 88 | 847 |
5 | 2017/2018 | 11 | 269 | 440 | 99 | 819 |
6 | 2018/2019 | 9 | 310 | 350 | 104 | 773 |
7 | 2019/2020 | 21 | 259 | 408 | 45 | 733 |
8 | 2020/2021 | 28 | 420 | 442 | 51 | 941 |
9 | 2021/2022 | 18 | 207 | 340 | 18 | 583 |
10 | 2022/2023 | 25 | 303 | 589 | 60 | 977 |
TOTAL | 145 | 2,420 | 4,228 | 860 | 7,653 |
Table 1: Summary of Graduating Students (National Diploma)
1. | 2013/2014 | 0 | 10 | 78 | 16 | 104 |
2 | 2014/2015 | 1 | 90 | 172 | 27 | 290 |
3 | 2015/2016 | 1 | 108 | 404 | 18 | 531 |
4 | 2016/2017 | 5 | 217 | 343 | 14 | 579 |
5 | 2017/2018 | 32 | 228 | 268 | 19 | 547 |
6 | 2018/2019 | 15 | 263 | 190 | 19 | 487 |
7 | 2019/2020 | 20 | 224 | 225 | 11 | 480 |
8 | 2020/2021 | 17 | 214 | 272 | 7 | 510 |
9 | 2021/2022 | 8 | 143 | 163 | 6 | 320 |
10 | 2022/2023 | 5 | 100 | 409 | 65 | 579 |
TOTAL | 104 | 1,597 | 2,524 | 202 | 4,427 |
Table 2: Summary of Graduating Students (Higher National Diploma)
The above summary is the highest since the inception of the Polytechnic and this is significant indication that Kogi State Polytechnic is firmly poised to contribute to quality manpower needs of the Country. I therefore wish to proudly congratulate our graduands for being worthy of their calling. I am very confident that they will be good ambassadors of Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja.
Gentlemen of the Press, I remain grateful for the tremendous support and partnership I have enjoyed from you. It is my hope this will be sustained as we move to the next phase advancement of the Polytechnic. I look forward to seeing you at the grand finale of the ceremonies on Saturday.
Above all, I am thankful to God and His Excellency, the Visitor, for the humble impact we have made within the period. Finally, the task of Repairing, Reforming and Repositioning Kogi State Polytechnic is a work in progress. I enjoin us to continue to give our quotas selflessly so as to leave behind a legacy that posterity will be proud of.
Thank you and God Bless.
Dr Salisu Ogbo Usman
Rector, Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja