Coalition of Niger Delta Civil Society Organisations (CNDCSO)
Current State Of The Nation: Our Sincere Appeal
The Coalition Of Niger Delta Civil Organization (CNDCSO), after exhaustive consultations, held an extraordinary meeting of Stakeholders and Leaders of various groups in the Region on 30th July 2024 and from the robust deliberations agreed as follows:
That we acknowledge the economic hardships many in the Nigerian populace are experiencing, and the urgency for solutions is deeply felt.
However, we caution it’s important to approach the situation with patience and prudence.
His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has been in office for just over a year, and substantial progress requires time. We must give his administration the opportunity to fulfill his campaign promises through gradual and steady implementation of his Renewed Hope Agenda.
We appeal to all Nigerians to sheath their swords. Instead of protesting, which may lead to unintended consequences, let us engage in constructive conversations, listen to diverse perspectives and work towards common goals.
Protests, though a legitimate form of expression, can sometimes be hijacked by criminal elements, resulting in harm to innocent people and property and creating wounds that become difficult to heal.
Additionally, we echo the passionate caution by Chief Government Ekpemukolo, aka, Tompolo, a respected leader in the Niger Delta, who has called for calm and patience. His appeal emphasizes the need for unity and peaceful dialogue during these trying times.
Here are thought provoking reasons why Nigerians should hold off on protest and focus on constructive, peaceful engagement:
1 Room For Policy Implementation: The government’s policies and reforms need time to be effectively implemented. Immediate protests may disrupt this process and hinder potential positive outcomes.
2. Risk Of Escalation: Protests can escalate quickly and unpredictably, especially when infiltrated by those with malicious intent. This can lead to violence, destruction of property, and loss of lives.
3. National Stability: Maintaining peace and stability is crucial for the country’s development. Unrest can deter foreign investments, disrupt economic activities8 and undermine national security.
4. Constructive Engagement: By engaging in dialogue and offering constructive feedback in collective bargaining, citizens can play a more effective role in shaping policies and adding value to governance. This approach allows for more nuanced and comprehensive solutions to the nation’s problems.
5. Respect For Democratic Processes: Nigeria is a democratic nation. Patience and constructive criticism, rather than unrest, are essential for respecting and nurturing our democratic institutions.
6. Focus on Long-Term Solutions: Immediate reactions often dissipate valuable energy on short-term worries. By allowing time for the government to address the root causes of the economic and social challenges, we can work towards sustainable, long-term solutions.
By our collective will and collaboration, we can build a Nigeria that we are all proud of, one that offers hope, opportunity, and justice for every citizen.
Let us stand together in unity and peace, fostering the spirit of cooperation, resilience and hope as we work towards a better future for all.
God Bless Our Youths!
God Bless The Federal Republic Of Nigeria!