Steer Clear From Drugs: Engineer Arum Admonishes Youths.
Engineer Arum Ajiji,is A Pastor and a renown Community Leader.
He interact with our Correspondent in Fobur District,his Home town, Jos East Local Government Area on issues ranging from Political and Communal.
On the Recent Local Government Election,
He commended His political party,the All Progressives Congress (APC ) for Campaigning vigorously in Jos East,despite being an opposition Party.
It has been so long to witness such massive Campaigns in Jos East,it is very clear that whatever you do as a leader,the followers observe with keen interests and whatever the outcome of the election may be,the message has been passed. The Election was very peaceful in my polling unit and Fobur generally.
The turn out was so massive .
Three candidates keenly contested for the position of the Councillorship.
On his Recent coronation as the “Agwom Acham” of Fobur District.
He sincerely appreciates God’s faithfulness for recognizing him in diverse ways. I have been just trying to see how to make a difference in the Community by being compassionate and I was not expecting anything in return,but now the Community have given me reason to do more.
He said there is no program that will take place in Fobur that he will not be informed or invited and he always participate, said when I was contacted for the position of “Agwom Acham” I tried to decline but the traditional rulers and my community insisted and I had no choice than to obliged .
There’s a problem and I always complain daily.
Some people thinks that accumulating wealth to yourself rather how many people are around you that you impacted on their lives,impacting on human beings positively is what should be the focus of every leader,you should try your possible best to impact on someone’s life in your own little way, people always have the perception that you must have money before you can touches the life of someone,you can do that by correcting someone and offer advice and for youths of today and for us to progress , let’s drop unnecessary competition and rivalry among us,in a mango tree,the fruits come out at the same time but doesn’t ripe at once and that is how human beings are,there is time for everything .
I want to call on youths to be patience,work hard and wait for the appropriate time, that’s the ultimate thing.
For Fobur,Izere and Plateau state to progress, we need to all be bold and tell each other the truth.
If our political party present a candidate that is not fit,we should voice out not always claiming “anan nye anan” that is my is always the best no matter his level of incompetence so far he’s my own relative,we should stop holding into political parties as if is a religion and it is unfortunate,for me I’m in APC and if they did not present a credible candidate,i should not say I don’t have a choice ,we should always have alternatives,we should be bold enough to criticize it and that is the only way we can move forward.
The Leader also decried restiveness and drug abuse among the Izere Youths.
Said the menace is eating deeply among our Youths.
Something must be done to curtail the danger.
According to him,the book of Proverbs says any one that’s not in self control,is like a room without door and window,once you take anything that will make you to be out of self control, anything can go in and out of you.
We should learn how to discipline ourselves.